Keystone Capital Chorus

Love to Sing? 

Free lessons 

Tuesdays of May: 7, 14, 21, 28

from 7:00 – 8:30 PM

in the Community Room of Christ Presbyterian Church, 421 Deerfield Road, Camp Hill

The Keystone Capital Chorus received a grant from the Bankert Foundation to offer a series of FREE vocal music coaching we are calling “Ready, Set, Sing” for our 2024 music outreach community service.   

Coaches are nationally and internationally awarded musicians, directors, coaches from the Mid-Atlantic District Barbershop and Barbershop Harmony Society: Tyler Horton (Upper Chesapeake Chorus and Director of Music Ministry at St. Margaret Parish in Bel Air), Fred Womer (#Parkside Harmony), Rick Taylor (winner of 8 International Bronze quartet medals, Regional Director for Harmony Foundation International, sought after Director and Coach), Dawn Adams (Sweet Adelines International Queen),are International Gold medalists in Barbershop Harmony Society their choruses and quartets, and amazing teachers in the art of a cappella singing.

These lessons are for all ages, styles of singing, abilities, and experience.

May 7 Proper singing posture and effective breathing  Coach: Tyler Horton

Class Description:  Proper singing posture is essential for singers to produce a good sound. Before one learns how to breathe, sing, or play any kind of instrument correctly, one needs to have the proper body posture. 

May 14 Vocal production   Coach:  Fred Womer 

Class Description:  A major goal of singers is to learn how to produce smooth, even, fully resonant, pleasant tone throughout the range. Ideal tone is a complex product of breath control, vocal fold

function, position of the larynx, tongue, nose, and soft palate, as well as use of resonance in the head and throat cavities. In choral singing, each member must produce the “ideal tone".

May 21  Vowel placement and vowel matching: Vowels, Diphthongs and Dynamics   Coach: Rick Taylor

Class Description:   There are five important areas of vocal placement: the jaw, throat, the soft palette, the mask or sinus cavities and the top of the head. Singers must learn to use these “resonators” to produce a quality sound.

The vowels we sustain are called “Target Vowels” because you have to hit a bull’s eye every time you sing them. The vowel must be the exact sound the chorus has agreed on and it must be sung at exactly the right moment.

May 28  Protecting the voice and voice health for aging singers   Coach: Dawn Adams

Class Description:  In order to produce a clear tone, the vocal folds must remain strong, moist and flexible, and they must be able to vibrate in symmetry. But as people age, the larynx can become stiff, and the vocal folds can lose muscle tone, elasticity and moisture. 

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